Monday, December 30, 2019

The Study of Bipolar Disorder Its Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1574 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/07/31 Category Medicine Essay Level High school Tags: Bipolar Disorder Essay Did you like this example? Abstract Bipolar disorder is a chronic mood disorder that affects more than 3 million Americans every year. It is characterized by jumps between major depressive episodes where the individual is pessimistic and unmotivated and episodes of mania where the individual is dangerously optimistic, easily agitated, and reluctant to take advice from others. Biological components like genealogy and neurochemistry of an individuals brain particularly dealing with the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin, psychological components dealing with the thought processes of the individual, and sociocultural components in relation to the Theory of Learned Helplessness and gender roles are all believed factors in the development of bipolar disorder. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Study of Bipolar Disorder: Its Causes, Symptoms and Treatment." essay for you Create order While bipolar disorder is serious and life altering, scientists and doctors have identified therapies like counseling and medications like antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics to control the patients mood and ensure that the depressive and manic episodes occurrences are few and far between if at all allowing the individual to live a life of normalcy. The Basics of Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depressive disorder, is a mood disorder characterized by extreme swings between major depressive episodes and episodes of mania, or extreme confidence. Bipolar disorder only occurs in about 1% of the global population, and it affects men and women equally. Episodes of depression or mania alike typically strike after a steady routine of daily activities or normalcy and begin with the disruption of sleep. Bipolar disorder can be extremely detrimental and disruptive to an individuals life. Both manic and depressive episodes have no specific expiration date, and in some cases can continue on for years. The earliest findings of this particular disorder can date back as far as 1st century Greece. It was not uncommon for people to display states of mania, depression, or psychosis in which cases the doctors of that time typically deemed them possessed. It was common during that time for people to be executed for having bipolar disorder. Interestingly enough, throughout history many artists, poets, musicians, and creators were diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Some of these people include Walt Whitman, Ernest Hemingway, and the actress Margot Kidder. One of the characteristics that goes along with mania are huge outbursts of creativity. While the results of a manic episode for some can be detrimental, for artists and creators the outbursts can be almost influential. For example, after experiencing a two-year long manic episode, Robert Schumann, a German composer and music critic, once composed 51 pieces of music. Seemingly, professionals who rely on logic and precision are less susceptible to bipolar disorder than are artists, musicians, poets, etc whom rely on creativity and emotion. Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder As stated previously, the main symptom of Bipolar Disorder are the emotional alternations between depressive and manic episodes a patient can experience. Some emotional indicators of a manic episode can include grandiose optimism and unusually high self esteem. Consequentially, this can lead to reckless investments, spending sprees, and unsafe sex. Manic episodes can be noted by eraddic or overly optimistic behavior. The individual will become over talkative, overactive, consistently elated, but easily irritated if annoyed; there is little need for sleep, and there are fewer sexual inhibitions. Speech can be noted as loud, flighty, and hard to interrupt. Additionally, they will reject advice even though they are a danger to his or herself. Once a manic episode ends, the individual can typically crash falling into a place of severe depression. Essentially, a person with bipolar disorder cannot find their emotional middle ground. When in a depressive episode, subjects will become unmotivated or inactive. They will adopt a pessimistic view on life becoming especially sensitive to negative outcomes, expect negative outcomes, and are more likely to recall negative information. Depressive episodes have no time limit, but typically will self-terminate being replaced by a period of mania. Bipolar patients suffer through a vicious cycle of mania to depression to mania again, but can be regulated with mood stabilizers. Another indicator of bipolar disorder found in an article posted by the American Journal of Psychology, was that cognitive function in patients with bipolar disorder was significantly reduced when compared to normally functioning subjects. It was found that verbal memory and executive function were particularly impaired. In a different study published by the AJP, it was found that, as children, bipolar patients tended to have difficulty functioning socially. Despite this, they did not seem to have any issues functioning scholastically. Explanations of Bipolar Disorder In a study of both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, it was found that there may be a genetic factor behind bipolar disorder. First-degree relatives of someone with bipolar disorder were at an increased risk for also developing the disorder. If one maternal half-sibling was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, the other sibling was at a significantly increased risk for developing said disorder. Additionally, children of adopted families were at an increased risk for developing the disorder if their biological parents also had said disorder. Essentially, genes are the basic composition of the body. They control the biochemical aspect of the body which, in turn, controls an individuals behavior. The key biochemical component in bipolar disorder is the functioning of neurotransmitters. Norepinephrine is essentially a mood booster. It increases arousal and is what makes people feel happy. In mania, norepinephrine is over abundant causing the extreme boost of self esteem and optimism. When norepinephrine is too abundant, it can be associated with violent outbursts, which can explain why during mania, bipolar patients are also easily agitated, and psychosis. During depressive episodes though, norepinephrine is lacking causing the individuals mood to be pessimistic; they can also become stoic due to the lack of arousal that would normally come from norepinephrine. Serotonin is also another neurotransmitter found to be scarce during depressive episodes. Positive emotions are demonstrated through activity in the left frontal lobe. An additional finding in bipolar depressive episodes, shown using MRI scans, was that the left frontal lobe was likely to be inactive. Sociocultural Explanations of Bipolar Disorder When discussing the inability to control stress, it seems that gender roles may play a part in the depressive state that comes along with bipolar disorder. Women more often than men suffer from severe suppression, belittling, and the feeling of helplessness. Due to this they may be at more of an effect to stress. Martin Seligman, American Psychologist educator and creator of the Theory of Learned Helplessness, argues that depressive episodes may last longer and be more common among western youth due to an epidemic of helplessness, an incline of individualism, and a decline of commitment to religion or family. He additionally notes that the individualism experienced throughout the western youth creates a feeling of sole responsibility when a negative event occurs, allowing nothing for one to fall back on other than his or herself. These ideas can feed the depressive swings associated with bipolar disorder because the individual feels that they have no metaphorical ladder to help them reach the emotional middle ground. Psychological Explanations of Bipolar Disorder Scientists suspect that the way patients think may play a large role in the reality of their situation. Meaning that, when in a depressed state, the bipolar patient will think in terms of blaming his or herself causing the depression to continue and creating thought processes like I cant do anything right which only contributes to the growth of the depressive episode. David G. Myers, author of Psychology: The 7th Edition, writes that people in depressive episodes tend to explain bad events in terms that are stable (its going to last forever), global (its going to affect everything), and internal (its all my fault) (Myers, 640). This is part of what is believed to keep a bipolar patient in a depressed state, never reaching normalcy, and potentially jumping into mania if and once the abundance of norepinephrine returns. Treatment for Bipolar Disorder When experiencing depressive episodes, there is a lack of norepinephrine and serotonin. Due to this, the use of antidepressants is typically part of the treatment for depressive episodes. Antidepressants such as Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil aim to block the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin, increasing the existence of both neurotransmitters in the brain. When experiencing episodes of mania, antipsychotic drugs are seemingly useful because they help to block the stimulus to send out norepinephrine to the brain. This combined with the anti-depressants equalizes the amount of serotonin and norepinephrine existing in the brain which creates the middle ground that the patient cannot achieve on their own. Some examples of antipsychotics are olanzapine, risperidone, and quetiapine. Doctors may also prescribe a mood stabilizer in conjunction with the antidepressant, antipsychotic, or both. Some common mood stabilizers are lithium, carbamazepine, and lamotrigine. Other forms of treatment may include day treatment programs like counseling while one gets his or her symptoms under control. In severe cases where the patient becomes dangerous to his or herself or to others, the doctors may suggest hospitalization. Conclusion While bipolar disorder can be detrimental to an individuals lifestyle, due to modern medicine and therapies there is treatment that can stabilize the mood swings. With medical assistance and counseling patients can typically return to a normal lifestyle. Without medication though, it becomes difficult for the individual to hold jobs regularly, and there is typically issues with social functioning in adolescents and teens. While genealogy, psychology, and sociocultural aspects do play a role in bipolar disorder, the key to controlling the disorder seems to be controlling the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Breast Cancer A Genetic Disorder - 1876 Words

INTRODUCTION Breast cancer is a genetic disorder occurs in breast cells because of irregularities in cell growth and division. It mostly occurs due to modifications of regulatory genes known as oncogene and tumor suppressor genes [1].Around 180,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in United States and 40,000 people die each year [2]. Approximately 50% of hereditary breast cancer cases reported are related to error in repair mechanisms due to loss of BRCA1 AND BRCA2 genes. It is important to scrutinize incidence rate as it can help estimate lifetime and age-conditional risks. Established factors that increase risk of breast cancer are; age, familial history, previous radiation therapy and exposure to estrogen. STAGES OF BREAST CANCER DESCRIPTION TREATMENT FOR EACH STAGE GRADING OF BREAST CANCER DESCRIPTION STAGE 0 Cancer cell is benign and not invasive, the irregular cell is contained in ducts. It can be easily diagnosed through mammography screening, it can be treated with surgery and radiation therapy GRADE 1 cancer cells looks normal under microscope and is well differentiated STAGE 1 Cancer cells become invasive and very small tumor grows nearby or in lymph node When diagnosed early it can be treated with radiation therapy, surgery, HRT STAGE 2 Cancer cells begin to metastasized and spread to nearby lymph node or large cancer it can be treated with surgery, anti-estrogen and chemotherapyShow MoreRelatedEssay on Breast Cancer847 Words   |  4 PagesBreast Cancer Chromosome 17 and BRCA1 Among the most common diseases affecting the female population, breast cancer develops in one of every eight American women. This means that almost 200,000 women suffer from the disease each year. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Larry Page Free Essays

————————————————- Decoding Larry Page Leadership style This paper analyses the different behaviors that define Google’s co-founder and CEO leadership and management traits and style. ————————————————- Decoding Larry Page Leadership style This paper analyses the different behaviors that define Google’s co-founder and CEO leadership and management traits and style. Aymee Flores 339707 March 8th, 2011 Aymee Flores 339707 March 8th, 2011 Contents Biography2 Decoding Larry Page Leadership Style4 How Larry Page’s Leadership Styles relate to my mine9 Conclusion10 Works Cited11 Biography Lawrence â€Å"Larry: page was born march 26, 1993 in East Lancing, Michigan. We will write a custom essay sample on Larry Page or any similar topic only for you Order Now He was born into a family of computer experts. His father was a pioneer in artificial intelligence and computer science and is mother a computer programing teacher. He grew up in a house where technology was the norm, computers parts and Popular Mechanics magazines where everywhere. His older brother taught him from early on how to disarm artifacts in order to find out how they worked, this fueled his knowledge and motivation greatly to begin inventing, he once built a working inkjet printer out of LEGOS, at age twelve Page already knew he was going to have a company eventually. Page was first attended the University of Michigan for a bachelor’s degree in Engineering and then decided to pursue a master’s degree in computer science at the Stanford University, here is where he met Sergey Brin and started the project that would change his life forever. The idea began while searching a dissertation theme about exploring the mathematical properties of the World Wide Web. According to John Battelle, founder of â€Å"Wired† magazine page assumed that web links where just citations so his project named â€Å"Backrub† was about classifying and counting all the backlinks of the World Wide Web and according to Page it would make it a more valuable place. At the beginning of â€Å"Backrub† the World Wide Web could be sought as a giant book without an index, so the goal of the project was to gather data and index it using what is called a web crawler, a bot programmed to perform this specific task. Then Page and Brin created their first product called â€Å"Pagerank† which was an algorithm that assigned numerical weighting to the hyperlinks already indexed by the web crawler and measure its importance, from here he created a search engine that was far more effective than the ones that already existed. This new Google search engine made its first debut at the Stanford University webpage in 1996. Together with is partner Brin in 1998 he founded Google Inc. at the time he hired Eric Schmidt as a CEO. The company’s mission was â€Å"To organize the World’s Information and to make it universally useful and accessible. † In 2006 the company was already made public and had its main quarter in Mountain view, California. Google Inc. grew very quickly and began to add more products and services such as email, advertising services, location services, productivity software and photo editing software and much more other breakthrough and innovative services and products just as the Android mobile operating system and Google Chrome Browser. Today Google. om is listed as the internet most visited website in the U. S according to Alexa Traffic Rank. And many of its famous brands are in the top hundred most visited sites such as YouTube and Blogger. According to an article by the social media online magazine Mashable, Google reported earnings of 50 billion dollars in January 2013 and is still expanding. Decoding Larry Page Leadership Style Because of his decision of hiring Eric Schmidt as CEO back in 2001 Larry Page was often cataloged as an introvert leader and when he took back the title of CEO in 2011 he didn’t hold any big meetings, interviews. What matters the most to Page is innovating this can be appreciated by the fact that he spends $1 billion on patents to help the company grow, this was sought to emulate Steve Job’s leadership but the truth is that this is most likely shaped by his engineering background. According to an article by CNN Money he still remains an enigma and his leadership style can be appreciated during commencement speeches and talks to coworkers and Google executives. During these talks he focuses about the future, as stated before Page is all about innovations and he firmly believes that by tackling audacious ideas that can eventually change the world would attract incredibly smart people that can achieve something worthwhile as he expressed at the Google Faculty Summit in 2009. Page’s supportive leadership style can be proved by his proficiency at building networks and expertise building and leading teams. He insisted on being very closely involved in the hiring process at Google always looking for university graduates to join the company. It is widely known that he dislikes the traditional bureaucracy and management styles and is always cutting or reassigning middle management positions. This can be seen by the company’s reorganization tendencies. While studying the company’s website it can be seen that all the description and pertinent information is compressed to no more than one paragraph, this is because Page encourages faster and concise decision making. According to wall Street Journal he would ask managers to e-mail him updates of their projects in 60 words or less. Also he encouraged them to have a session in the afternoon where top executives had to work on a public area of the building in order to make them more accessible to employees and facilitate communication among each other. This shows very strong supportive and participative leadership styles. Because the company is not organized with the typical management styles and is more focused on projects a team environment is the rule here which encourages involvement of followers in every aspect of decision making processes. Although he involves the team when it comes to decision making within a project he displays directive leadership traits when it comes to organizing the company. According to Google board member Mr. Ram Shriram he has a very clear idea of how the company should be organize therefore he personally picked the people that could run large areas of the company and set their objectives. Page would set very clear-short term and long-term goals for his managers. After further research it is very clear that Larry Page’s strongest leadership styles are participative and supportive. According to an interview by The Fortune magazine the wellbeing and lifestyle of the company’s employees is top priority to him as he says â€Å"My job as a leader is to make sure everybody in the company has great opportunities, and that they feel they’re having a meaningful impact and are contributing to the good of society. † Google is known for its innovative work space that are far from looking like a typical office, he feels that the company is like a family and therefore he treats them like one. This has boosted employee satisfaction, productivity and even improved their health to the point that their healthcare costs grow less compared to other companies. As stated before Page is regarded as an introvert, which might contradict the traditional believe that a leader should be outgoing and charismatic in order to be successful but the fact that he is an introvert supplies him with other set of traits and skills that make him successful and ultimately explain his supportive and participative tendencies. Traits that characterize introverts are that they are very good at listening; therefore they are not going to dominate a social situation which will allow them to hear about other people’s innovative ideas. This will also explain Page’s tendency to want to attract people qualified as intelligent. A person that has an engineering and technologic mindset would rather hear from a smart person than a charismatic one. In addition Page has a strong directive approach when it comes to setting the company’s main goals but he is willing to let his followers choose their path to reach those goals. Nevertheless Larry Page has been a CEO for a relatively short amount of time so there is still a lot to see from this leader. During his short time as a CEO he has definitely demonstrated strong organizational skills and has brought back cohesion and focus as well as decisiveness to a company that was becoming scattered within is many diverse projects. Larry Page’s Leadership Style Applied to Hospitality Industry Google’s innovative approach can bring great success for someone working in the hospitality industry. The hospitality environment is all about communication and team work, this is a people’s business therefore it is imperative to have a supportive approach when leading followers. There are many levels or work in this industry that range from skilled labor to management and business work. Page’s supportive approach can be very beneficial for hotel managers because they are leading people that come from all sorts of backgrounds, by providing an environment where the employees feel comforted and supported by their company it will increase employee’s satisfaction and productivity at their workplace. For example a manager can display this kind of behavior if a front desk employee becomes frustrated with a hard situation involving a difficult guest or is having some kind of hardship in their personal life a manager can encourage communication with the employee and provide an understanding attitude as well as build a better relationship with the employee that will allow that employee to feel comfortable within his workplace augmenting their feelings of empowerment and therefore excelling at their duties. The hospitality industry environment requires critical thinking skills, our industries workspaces are the same but a day and a situation is never the same, a hospitality employee have knew experiences and new interactions everyday with customers. Participative behavior from managers is extremely important; a manager cannot be in every place at the same time. Every employee has different experience at the workplace due to the nature of the Hospitality industry, for example a front desk agent that does the A. M. shift has a completely different experience and needs than the one doing the P. M. shift. Therefore is necessary that the manager gathers input from his employees in order to improve the processes and procedures necessary to solve a particular problem or to improve the workplace experience. Delegatory leadership is also needed in the hospitality industry because it often involves critical decisions to be made from the followers that directly affect the customers. For example when at the front desk an employer needs to be empowered to make decisions and resolve certain type of problems that might rise like room changes or extra amenities to compensate for ant dissatisfactory experience a customer might have. How Larry Page’s Leadership Styles relate to my mine After analyzing Page’s leadership traits I found myself very related to his style. As a leader I see myself revolutionizing the workplace, giving a lot of importance to the way an employee is treated and feels after analyzing Page’s leadership traits I found myself very related to his style. As a leader I see myself revolutionizing the workplace, giving a lot of importance to the way an employee is treated and feels while doing his work. The challenges that might be found applying his style to the type of career I am doing would be overcoming an industry that is already established and has a bureaucratic management style, it would be a groundbreaking task to apply a more relaxed and creative work environment and involve the employees in the decisions of the company. I strongly believe that innovation and technology can be brought to this industry and can be encompassed with customer experience and this can be achieved if the bureaucratic lines in the current management styles can be blurred somewhat and projects that come from employees ideas instead of only owners of stake holders of a company would take place. Page’s management does not think about money being spent, this is the same vision I have for the hospitality industry. In order to revolutionize the industry and the customer’s experience whether it is by creating new amenities at the already existing facilities or creating new futuristic lodging concepts can only be achieved if the mindset of making business for money can be put as a second priority. Conclusion My research about Larry Page’s leadership style has been very moving and eye opening. I strongly believe that this should be the management style of the future because he was able to prove that the old bureaucratic style is not necessary in order to make company thrive. The world is constantly changing and therefore the structure of our companies need to change as well and become more proficient and team based in order to reach our full potential as well as innovating and creating new concepts that can be easily achieved by participative leadership and groundbreaking projects. Works Cited Larry Page Ties Employee Pay to Google’s Social Performance, Leslie Horn, PC Magazine Online, April 8, 2011Is Google’s Larry Page already turning out to be a truly great CEO? Google focus on its core business)(Google shutdown of Google Labs, Aardvark, Slide, Fast Flip ), Dumenco, Simon, :  Advertising Age, Sept 26, 2011, Vol. 82(34), p. 0020New Stage, New Skills. (Business/Financial Desk)(Google Inc. ‘s Larry Page), Miller, Claire Cain, The New York Times, Jan 22, 2011, p. B1(L) Media Entrepreneurs of the Decade: Larry Page Serge Brin, Google. (BEST OF THE DECADE), Shields, Mike, Brandweek, Dec 14, 2009, Vol. 50(44), p. 20(1)Larry Page CEO OF the Year. Greg Sterling. Search Engine Land. Jan 2, 2012Larry Page and Google: Individual Empowerment Requires Forceful Leadership, Tweak your Biz, Article. June 12, 2012At Google, Page Aims to Clear Red Tape, The Wall Street Journal, Amir Efrati. March 26 2011Introverted Leaders: Three Reasons Larry Page Will Succeed as Google CEO, The power of Introverts, Susan Cain. Blog. Jan 24, 2011. Chief seeks more agile Google; as CEO, Larry Page must pierce bureaucracy, compete with nimble upstarts. (Company overview), Efrati, Amir ; Morrison, Scott, The Wall Street Journal Eastern Edition, Jan 22, 2011, Vol. 0(0), p. B1(1)| | | | For Google CEO Larry Page, a difficult premiere role. (Company overview), Efrati Amir, The Wall Street Journal Eastern Edition, August 30, 2011, Vol. 0(0), p. B1(1)| How to cite Larry Page, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Olaudah Equiano free essay sample

A journal is kept to reminisce on experiences people have gone through, also to share with others in the future. In the two narratives â€Å"from The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano† by Olaudah Equiano and â€Å"from The Journal of the First Voyage to America† by Christopher Columbus are both journals about their life experiences. Equiano and Columbus had different encounters with the people they met, and used different imagery. Likewise, they both wrote for the same purpose. The impressions of the people they met were different. Equiano had a horrible encounter with the slave traders on the ship he was on. He mentioned, â€Å"Every circumstance I met with, served only to render my state more painful, and heightened my apprehensions, and my opinion of the cruelty of the whites. † (p. 45) The white slave traders were cruel and horrible. The whites treated them horribly and had no respect for them. Furthermore, these words portray his elevated level of education creating him into a credible source. Moreover, Equiano uses complex sentence structure that consists of excessive punctuation such as: â€Å"One day they had taken a number of fishes; and when they had killed and satisfied themselves with as many as they thought fit, to our astonishment who were on deck, rather than give any of them to us to eat, as we expected, they tossed the remaining fish into the sea again, although we begged and prayed for some as well as we could, but in vain; and some of my countrymen, being pressed by hunger, took an opportunity, when they thought no one saw them, of trying to get a little privately; but they were discovered, and the attempt procured them some very sever floggings† (46). A perfect example of his intricate sentence structure, this depicts his education which was not brought on by a classified school, but rather unqualified human beings who taught him as a child. In this, however, it depicts the complex journey of the African slaves that struggled to become equal. In addit ion, Equiano’s use of imagery clearly depicts the journey of the Africans slaves, such as â€Å"The closeness of the place, and the heat of the climate, added to the number in the ship, which was so crowded that each had scarcely room to turn himself, almost suffocated us (45). Through the portrayal of this vivid imagery, the reader can feel the distress of the slaves in which they encountered the journey of the â€Å"Middle Passage. † He emphasizes his emotions, ideals, and thoughts through the imagery. With the uses of this vivid imagery along with high diction and intricate sentences, Equiano successfully attempts to inform the reader of the horrid journey of slave transportation. However, it is not only his unique style alone that fulfils his rhetorical purpose of depicting the appalling slave experience; in addition, his several rhetorical devices aid to do so. Equiano’s rhetorical devices which include ethos, pathos, and logos abet to define and accomplish his rhetorical purpose. His ethos, or ethical assurance, is conveyed in his level of education portrayed by his sentence structure and high diction. Furthermore, as proven in historical documents, Equiano was a slave aboard one of the many slave ships. With this, the reader can accredit Equiano’s narrative to be a reliable and first-hand source to the journey of the â€Å"Middle Passage. † This allows the reader to believe Equiano as he depicts the slave experience. Moreover, Equiano uses pathos to appeal to the emotions of the reader. This appeal consists mainly of his imagery. The vivid imagery used all throughout his piece tells the story of journey of the â€Å"Middle Passage† which is clearly used to portray his rhetorical purpose. The imagery creates horrific emotions and images for the reader allowing him or her to accurately feel as though they trapped aboard the foul ship as a dehumanized slave. Furthermore, Equiano uses logos, appeal based on logic, to portray his rhetorical purpose. In this, his writing is in chronological order and is comprehensible. The reader can evidently understand his narrative so that the reader can evidently understand the horror of the â€Å"Middle Passage. † Conclusively, through this use of ethos, pathos, and logos, the reader can clearly view the author to be a logical, emotional, and ethical writer, therefore understanding his rhetorical purpose. However, the complete fulfillment of his rhetorical purpose can not only be reached with his unique style of rhetorical devices; in addition, it requires the unique style of this specific narrative. The style of this narrative includes a first person point of view, the use of passive voice, and chronological order. First person point of view can be seen throughout his entire narrative; for instance, â€Å"Happily perhaps, for myself, I was soon reduced so low here that it was thought necessary to keep me almost always on deck†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (45). By putting the narrative in first person, the reader can relate to the narrator as though the reader is literally in his place. With this, the reader can experience the â€Å"Middle Passage† first hand rather than merely being informed of the horrid journey. Moreover, Equiano’s use of passive voice can be illustrated all through the narrative including in the following sentence: â€Å"This wretched situation was again aggravated†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (45). Passive voice is indirect towards the recipient; in this case, Equiano uses passive voice, even though it is highly criticized, to portray the treatment of the slaves as a whole rather than to a specific person due to the fact that the horror was experienced by every and all slaves. Furthermore, Equiano’s narrative is in chronological order, beginning when he first boarded the ship to when his ship reached the coast of Barbados. This is done to allow the narrative to be more understandable and logical to the reader allowing for the fulfillment of his rhetorical purpose to become more evident. Being in chronological order, passive voice, and first person, Equiano’s narrative is set to accomplish his rhetorical purpose. This is aided by his use of unique style and rhetorical devices. In Olaudah Equiano’s The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, he depicts the horrid nature of the â€Å"Middle Passage† journey of the African slaves. Logically, ethically, and emotionally, Equiano allows the reader to relate to the appalling journey of the slaves. His stylistic nature along with rhetorical devices contributes to the unique narrative to fulfill his rhetorical purpose which is to inform the world, specifically New England, of the horrifying slave experience. If thoroughly examined, this narrative politically expresses the conflict between the white slave merchants and the African slaves. Through a social aspect, the narrative describes the efforts of the slaves to survive while being withheld as property. Equiano morally emphasizes the horror in which the slaves had to endure at the hands of the slave merchants creating well-deserved pity for the African slaves. He questions the spirituality of the slave merchants that believe all human being to be equal. He portrays the merchants to be the masters, God, and the slaves to be the servants, humans. Through this, Equiano is able to pose that the slave trade was indeed unjust of which he hopes to inform the world.